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  • soha chahine

4 Actionable Tips For A Utterly Successful Career Change

Are you exhausted? Are you feeling tense? Feeling down in the dumps? It might be time for a change.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Are you considering a career change? You are not alone in feeling this way. Throughout their working lives, the average worker is expected to change jobs five to seven times.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average worker holds upwards of ten different occupations before turning 50. This figure is expected to grow even more in the future decades.

Those who have never switched careers previously may suffer. Believe me when I say that I was dubious the first time I sought to obtain a job outside of the nonprofit sector. However, my personal experience with changing jobs provided me with abilities that I’ve used in every job I’ve had since.

You’ve come to the correct spot if you want a career change for your growth & mental satisfaction.

You undoubtedly have many questions, such as whether or not it’s too late to change jobs. What is the most effective approach to change careers? Let’s have a look.

You’ll discover how to make a career move simpler in this post. Let’s get right to it.

1. Begin with the why

Many people know that they dislike or have outgrown their employment, but they are unaware of the consequences. Before you start rushing into something new, you need to figure out why you’re doing it. Otherwise, you could wind yourself in a different place, but one that you still despise — and what use is all that effort if you don’t like it?

Consider the following questions: Why do I desire this? Why do I believe this new job will improve my life? What are the potential drawbacks or risks?

Sometimes, as you work through the exercise, you find that things aren’t quite as rosy as you had imagined. And, on occasion? The route will become even more enticing and understandable.

2. Plan of action.

With your action plan, start with the end in mind. What is your major aim, and when do you want to achieve it?

Once you’ve nailed that, break it down into significant milestones — skills you’ll need to learn, people you’ll need to meet, tasks you’ll need to complete in your present work, and personal matters you’ll need to take care of before making this change. What are the important dates?

Assign daily or weekly responsibilities to yourself, so you know precisely what you’ll be doing when you sit down in front of your computer to “career pivot.” You don’t want to take any chances with this.

As you do these chores, you’ll see how tiny actions tend to snowball, giving you momentum and confidence that this is, in fact, a very real option.

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